Hello everyone! My name is Peter Knowlton. I am an astrophysics major Williams College and I work as a TA for the Milham Planetarium. For years we have loved giving educational shows at the planetarium, shows that we hope inspire a lifelong love of astronomy and the exploration of the universe. While we have had to move from the Old Hopkins Observatory to Zoom this year, our goal has not changed. The past few months have proven that virtual planetarium shows are just as feasible and engaging as in-person shows, and in many ways they are even more accessible. The ongoing pandemic means that we will continue to host all of our shows on Zoom for the time being. Even though there is much uncertainty in the world right now, we are hopeful and looking forward to seeing what the future holds for the planetarium.
So, what is this website then? Well, it is meant to serve a number of purposes which work together to turn this site into a real Astronomy Hub. Firstly, it is an easier way to book your spot in our weekly Friday night shows, as well as plan out private shows with the TAs. Simply go to the homepage under the PLANETARIUM tab and hit the BOOKING button. All of the information for weekly and private shows can be found there! Secondly, you have an opportunity to get to know us on the MEET THE TAs page. Finally, as you have already found, we have an ASTRONOMY BLOG page. Here we will be updating you on all of the exciting new developments in field, highlighting the amazing research of students and faculty, and sharing all sorts of fun and interesting info on astronomy, mythology, space exploration, and more! Soon we will also be adding a HOPKINS GALLERY page with a number of images taken from our very own Rooftop Observatory and a HISTORY page detailing the long history of astronomy at Williams College.
We hope to reach people beyond the college so this site may become a place where people excited by astronomy can come and learn from each other. We're all so excited to see where this goes! Thank you for stopping by, and please let us know what you think!
Peter Knowlton '21.5
Planetarium TA