Pronouns: He/Him/His
Class: 2022
Major: Physics, Philosophy
Hometown: Philadelphia, PA
Favorite Astro Object: Ursa Major
As a kid, I loved the Percy Jackson novels. I was fascinated with the stories of the Greek gods: the immensity of their power was dwarfed by their petty disputes and human foibles. This love stuck with me as I became interested in physics- my AP Physics teacher in high school noticed I was interested in his tangents about cosmology and gave me some resources to further look into the deepest mysteries of space. My favorite part of physics is the stories we get to tell, and the analogies we make in order to get the craziest things to make sense. How does a star burn? A violent battle between its gravitational force radially inwards and the outwards pressure from atomic fusion. One side will eventually win out, leading to the dramatic death of a star, a process that generates new materials to feed the universe.
My current research is a little different, currently focused on examining how we can coherently tell a story that explains the strange quantum phenomena we observe (without which, the stars wouldn't shine!). Outside of science, I love to tell stories in different ways: I'm a member of the sketch comedy and improv groups on campus, and I'm on a club called MASC (Masculinity, Accountability, Sexual Assault, and Consent), a group that works with teams and clubs on campus to develop healthy group dynamics.